Friday, December 13, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

You are the manager and are already short 1 dishwasher tonight.  The other scheduled dishwasher calls in sick.  It will be a busy Friday night, so how will you handle the situation?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

It is often said that leaders are born that way.  Do you agree with that thought?  Explain your opinion about how leaders are made and what makes an effective leader.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

Describe an experience you had when you were in the minority (outnumbered with an idea, opinion, etc) and how you reacted to that situation.  The experience could be cultural, ethnic, generational, or any other type of situation.  What assumptions did you bring into the situation? How did you feel when you were there? Did you experience any obstacles to communication? If so, what were they?  Were they overcome? What was the lasting impression you took from this situation and experience?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Culinary Arts 2

A chef has many decisions to make when purchasing goods. Describe a few things that would affect your buying decisions if you are in charge of purchasing and inventory for a restaurant.

Culinary Arts 1

Many different things motivate people in life to do things.  Tell a little about what motivates you to achieve something; as well as what motivates you not to do something.  Managers (and teachers) are always looking for ways to motivate employees (students) to do their best.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Describe your idea of the most perfect breakfast.  Write about the foods you would serve and why you chose them.  (should be at least 4-5 sentences, but more is better...)

Culinary Arts 2

Explain your opinion on the 2 best ways to control costs in operating a restaurant.  Give examples and why they will work. (THIS IS A JOURNAL ENTRY, 1 OR 2 SENTENCES IS NOT SUFFICIENT.  PLEASE GIVE THIS SOME THOUGHT AND EXPLAIN YOUR OPINIONS)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

You have all had a misunderstanding from an email, text message, or something you have said.  Why do you think this happens? Give a few examples of things that cause communication to be ineffective and ways to communicate more clearly.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Culinary 2

Now that we have made several breads in class, tell me what you think about the bread making process.  Do you enjoy making fresh bread?  What do you like most about it? What breads have you liked the best? Is there anything you didn't enjoy about the bread making?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


What did you enjoy making the most in the grains unit?  What could you change or do differently next time to make the dish more creative or better?

Monday, November 11, 2013


Now that you have worked with each of the 3 popular grains in this unit, find a recipe online or in a magazine that highlights each one: wheat, legumes, pasta.  You can also find a recipe using corn in place of one of the first 3.  List the name of the recipe and where it was found

Friday, November 8, 2013

Culinary 1

Come up with at least 2 ways you can put some healthier food into your diet based on what you have learned about cooking methods and nutrition.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Now that we have made some recipes using grains, rice, and pasta, think about how you can use these items in your own meals.  Create your ultimate dish based on one of these three items and describe what you would include.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

You have been asked to cater a 3 course meal for a good friend's birthday.  Based on your knowledge of cooking methods, describe what you would make.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Think about all of the grains, beans, and pasta you eat. In a week is it more than you expected it to be?  What are your 2 favorite dishes using these items?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

Think about the foods you eat during the week.  How much balance do you have in your weekly diet?  Are there foods you could substitute into your diet to make it more healthy and balanced?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

There has been much in the news in recent years about the banning of certain foods and drinks.  For example, NY City has banned the sale of sodas larger than 16oz.  How do you feel about the regulation of this type of food and beverage sales?  Should individuals have the right to eat what they want or should someone be watching out for the health of everyone?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

Today the students worked on preparing several items using different cooking methods. They prepared glazed carrots, sauteed spinach, white rice, and grilled pork.
Matt, Codie, and Freddie with their plated entree.

Daniel and Malee enjoying a very early lunch.

Mary Jo and her plated entree......she looks kind of surprised.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Culinary 2

What do you know about making bread? Have you ever done it from scratch before?  Write a few things you know about making bread and a few things you would like to learn.

Culinary 1

Cooking is the process of preparing food for eating.  Explain why you agree or disagree.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


What kind of culinary career sounds interesting to you?  You obviously chose to be in this class, so there has to be something you have envisioned doing that relates to culinary arts or the hospitality industry. Describe a career in culinary/hospitality that sounds most interesting to you.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

Some foods are better suited to certain cooking methods.  Describe 3 cooking methods and list an example of a food that should be cooked using that method.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

If money were no object, describe the type of restaurant you would open (style, cuisine, location, name, etc)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Intro To Culinary

Blog Journal - Bakeries and Cupcake shops have become increasingly popular in recent years.  Describe your top 3 must have bakery items and why they are so good.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Culinary Arts 2

Blog Journal - Build your perfect sandwich, a colossus piece of culinary architecture, consisting of all the various components.  Be creative and specific, and give it a name.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

Blog Journal - There are many types of cooking methods used in food preparation. Name 2 methods and an example of a food best suited for that cooking method. (All food examples must be different student by student)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Competition Team Tryouts Are Coming!

Check the new Competition link under the class pages section of the blog to get information about the tryouts for the culinary and management teams.

The tryouts will be October 10th after school, and the competition will be held March 23-25, 2014.

We hope to continue our success at the state competition and need students who want to put in the time required to be successful.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Intro To Culinary

Blog Journal: Stocks can be used in many ways in the kitchen.  Describe two sauces you like and with what foods you pair them.  (Bottled sauces DO NOT count)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Culinary Arts 2

Blog Journal:  Salads are an important menu item.  Using your book, discuss the greens you like for salads, and make some guesses about some that you've never seen/tried.

Culinary Arts 1

Blog Journal: Seasoning is a very important part of cooking, and often very underutilized in America.  Many countries around the world depend heavily on spices in their cuisine (Morocco, India, China). Describe some of your favorite spices and flavorings to use/eat.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

Blog Journal: What 10 pieces of equipment do you feel are the most important ones to select if stocking a kitchen? Use your book if you need ideas, Chapter 5.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Intro To Culinary

Blog Journal: Do you think soups are an important part of a restaurant's menu?  Why or why not?  What are your favorite types of soup?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

This journal is for a quiz score, so be complete in your post:

Why is it important for a chef or manager to have a good understanding of math concepts when running a restaurant?  Give some examples on how this makes a business more profitable (be specific).

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Culinary Arts 1

Blog Journal: You are the server at a local restaurant.  Tonight during your shift you have a customer who complains about everything.  The tea isn't sweet enough, his steak is over cooked, the next one isn't cooked enough, and so on.  What do you do in that situation? 

Monday, September 9, 2013

2013 Senior Class Cheese Tasting

The senior class participated in the 4th Annual Culinary Arts Cheese Tasting today!  They tasted various cheeses from around the world ranging from soft and creamy to firm and salty.  The cheeses were made from cow, goat, or sheep milk, and one was a blend of all 3.
Additional items to complement the cheese

The 11 varieties of cheese tasted today

Thursday, September 5, 2013

CA 1 Blog Post

You are a restaurant manager hiring new employees. What professional characteristics do you look for? Explain why.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Culinary Arts 2 Blog Journal

Blog Journal 2 - Describe your favorite breakfast foods and what makes them so good.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Culinary Arts 2

Blog Journal 1: Working at a buffet style restaurant presents many opportunities for food to become contaminated.  Discuss at least 3 ways you can be sure to keep food safe for the customers.

Culinary Arts 1

Blog Journal 2: What are the things you look for when eating at a restaurant that tell you the restaurant is clean and the food is safe?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Intro to Culinary Blog Journal 1

Explain what culinary careers are interesting to you.  Remember there is much more to the industry than only working in a kitchen.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Uniform Order

The uniform order for juniors and seniors will be placed this week. Please make sure your fees are paid, and buy/bring your shoes to class so you are ready for the first kitchen activities.  See Chef with any questions.

Friday, August 16, 2013

First Week Back

Well, well, well. Summer vacation has disappeared once again and students are dragging themselves back into the classroom.  I hope students are at least a little excited about the class this least our kitchen isn't under construction!

A few things to know about this week:
     Intro: you will need your shoes by Labor Day
     CA1: uniform fitting this week, you also need shoes by Labor Day
     CA2: ServSafe Manager course is first, bring your uniforms this week

We have a lot of new things in store for each class this year, so show up each day excited to learn and I promise, you will not be disappointed.